Seems Like Old Times: May 6, 1921

Galveston Daily News May 6, 1921 Courtesy of Darrell Pittman

Galveston Daily News
May 6, 1921
Courtesy of Darrell Pittman


E-Mails from our good friend Darrell Pittman on this particular day of the week are like a baseball version of Friday Night Nights. They light up the skies of a Houston spring weekend end night with bright memories from our Texas baseball past – memories of events and characterizations that are older than even the oldest of us who are still around today. That cartoon of the old timers’ baseball game from the Galveston Daily News of May 6, 1921 was in the nostalgic style of Norman Rockwell before most Americans even knew who that young illustrator ever was – or someday would be. – Coca-Cola, of course, began an early tug upon American heart strings and has never let go.


Galveston Daily News May 6, 1921 Courtesy of Darrell Pittman

Galveston Daily News
May 6, 1921
Courtesy of Darrell Pittman


The Pecan Park Eagle has no immediate update data on how often the “team scores in every inning of the game” phenomenon that Sweetwater pulled off against Ranger in 1921 has been repeated in the past 95 years, but it is just interesting always to note that the baseball community’s interest in noting and recording the most arcane of statistical accomplishments apparently has been around forever. This May 6. 1921 report even notes their sense of awe over the fact this same accomplishment has occurred through this early date in modern history only once in the American and National Leagues in their first two decades of post-season competition with each other.

Have a nice weekend, everybody!



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